The general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the « GTCS ») of Strategic Growth SASU, comprising both the present Preamble and the clauses that follow it, are concluded between, on the one hand, Strategic Growth SASU, publisher of coaching and webmarketing products and services, whose head office is located at 13 avenue du mont blanc, 69140 Rillieux la pape – France, as described in the document « mentions légales » accessible on the Site, and on the other hand, the Customer designating the person having placed́ an order either via the website www. , via the websites in its network (including in particular and non-exclusivelyagnesboukaram. com,,,,,,,,,,,,, strategicgrowthoffers. com,,, or another Strategic Growth SASU website linking to (hereinafter « the Site ») either by telephone or at an event where Strategic Growth SASU is present.
No other contractual stipulation issued from documents sent or delivered by the Customer may be incorporated herein. Only the express acceptance by Strategic Growth SASUSU of any of these documents will be binding.
Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to modify the GCS at any time by publishing a new version on its website. The applicable terms and conditions are those in force on the date of payment (or of the first payment in the case of multiple payments).
The Customer here refers to a consumer, a non-professional or a professional. However, only consumers and non-professionals enjoy the specific rights granted by the consumer law of their country of residence. On the contrary, when contracts are concluded on a professional basis, the Customer acknowledges that these rights will not be applicable to him/her.
The Customer declares that he/she has the legal capacity to enter into a contract. Internet users not resident in France wishing to place an order via the Site must check whether the law applicable to them authorizes them to carry out this type of transaction. The existence of the Site cannot be qualified as canvassing. The contract concluded between the Customer and the companý Strategic Growth SASU is a contract concluded at a distance, except when it is concluded during a face-to-face event where the company Strategic Growth SASU is present.
The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is to determine the conditions under which, on the one hand, any act of purchase of one or more Products presented on the Site or via the Internet sites of its network (including in particular and non-exclusively,) and defined in article 2 below, and on the other hand any act of registration for a seminar or personalized coaching presented on the Site (hereinafter « the Services »), is carried out.
The general terms and conditions applicable shall be those in force at the time of delivery of the products or services.
Strategic Growth SASU offers a range of products and services to professionals and individuals.
Age restrictions apply: the participation of minors implies the explicit agreement of parents or guardians, and can only take place under their supervision and with the explicit agreement of Strategic Growth SASU.
Strategic Growth SASU does its best to restrict access to its sites, products and services to minors, even if the content of the products and services is not of a shocking nature, Strategic Growth SASU prefers to address a mature public capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities of the business world.
Any newsletter subscriber who does not meet these criteria will be immediately deleted from the database as soon as Strategic Growth SASU is made aware of this fact. Similarly, any customer who does not meet these criteria will be reimbursed immediately and the product(s) in question will have to be returned.
The products and services comply with current French legislation, and Strategic Growth SASU cannot be held responsible in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of another destination country.
The books, films and other works presented on the Site (hereinafter « the Products ») are published by Strategic Growth SASU, the sole owner of the exploitation rights for these works, including in particular all intellectual property rights.
The Products for sale on the Site are delivered exclusively in electronic form and can be viewed and/or listened to on a secure platform accessible via an individual code which will be sent to the Customer.
The graphic presentation of the Products on the Site is purely illustrative. Their presentation may therefore be modified when they are delivered, made available or downloaded.
4.1- The Customer may place an order or register for Services via the Site, by telephone ? by clicking on the order form or at events in which the companý Strategic Growth SASU is present.
4.2 – Ordering Products and Registering for Services via the Site.Via the Site, the Customer will be able to place an order once he or she has proceeded́ to open an account. The Customer will first have to identify himself by declaring his contact details and once identified, he will be able to reconnect using an identifier composed of his e-mail address and a password he has chosen. The password can be changed at any timé. This password is strictly personal and must be kept confidential. The Customer expressly acknowledges that entering his/her e-mail address and password constitutes identification.
The contract is validly formed when the Customer clicks on the « Place order » link or any equivalent link at the bottom of the order summary page. The Customer will then receive an e-mail confirming the order, which will include the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of the order.
5.1 – Currency – VAT – Other taxes
The prices indicated on the Site are in euros (€) and include VAT for consumers and non-professionals. The VAT rate applied is the legal rate in force on the day of the transaction.
In the event of a change in the amount of VAT, prices including VAT will be adjusted immediately, without prior notice. In the event of an obvious and gross typographical error on the price display, the contract may be cancelled.
5.2 – Price changes
The companý Strategic Growth SASU may modify the prices of its Products and Services at any time. However, modifications will not apply to previous contracts validly formed following the order of Products or registration for Services.
6.1 -As a general rule, payment in fulĺ of the order price must be made at the time of ordering; receipt of full payment by the companý Strategic Growth SASU triggers the provision of the Product and/or registration for the Service(s).
The companý Strategic Growth SASU may, exceptionally, grant payment in several installments, particularly in view of the amount to be paid and its knowledge of the Customer concerned.
However, the companý Strategic Growth SASU is under no obligation to grant such payment terms. The Customer may make such a request by contacting the customer service department of the companý Strategic Growth SASU at contact @
6-2. Products and Services payable in installments: For certain Products and Services whose execution is spread over time, the company Strategic Growth SASU offers the Customer the possibility of paying in installments. In this case, the first instalment must be paid when the order is placed and subsequent instalments will be collected by direct debit.
The Customer acknowledges that, in this case, he/she remains liable for full payment of the Products and Services subscribed to under the Contract. There is only one way in which the Customer may avoid payment of the outstanding balance by cancelling the Contract before its expiry date: when the Products and Services are offered in the form of an open-ended subscription, and subject to compliance with the cancellation conditions set out in article 9.4.
6.3 – To pay for an order, the Customer has the choice of all the payment methods offered at the time of order validation: by credit card or by bank transfer for amounts over 1,000 euros.
In the event of payment by bank card, the Customer expressly acknowledges that the communication of his bank card number to the companý Strategic Growth SASU constitutes authorization to debit his account up to the total amount corresponding to the Products ordered or the registration for Services. The amount will be debited upon conclusion of the contract or, for Products and Services payable in installments, by direct debit of the monthly installments indicated in the offer selected by the Customer.
6.4 – The Customer guarantees the companý Strategic Growth SASU that he/she has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment chosen by him/her, when validating the order form. The company Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to suspend any order management in case of refusal of authorization of payment by credit card from the officially accredited bodies or in case of non-payment.
Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to refuse to honour an order from a Customer who has not paid in full or in part for one of his orders, or with whom a payment dispute is in progress.
In the case of Products and Services payable in instalments, failure to pay the instalments agreed with the Customer will result in the immediate suspension of the provision of the Products and Services in question.
In addition, Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to claim late payment interest of 5% on the amount remaining unpaid, accruing from the date of a formal notice sent by Strategic Growth SASU to the Customer.
6.5 – Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to implement a verification procedure for orders placed on the Site to ensure that no person uses another person’s bank details without their knowledge. As part of this verification process, the customer may be asked to send a copy of an identity document, proof of address and a copy of the credit card used for payment (a copy of both sides of the card, making sure that only the first 4 and last 2 digits of the number appear on the front, and masking the cryptogram and the full credit card number, which may appear on the back of the card) by email or post to Strategic Growth SASU.
The order will be validated only after receipt and verification of the documents sent.
7.1- As a general rule, the Products offered for sale on the Site are made available to the Customer after full payment and exclusively in digital format. The Customer receives an individual password enabling him/her to access a secure platform where he/she can view and/or listen to the Products online and, in some cases, download them. Prior to placing an order, the Customer must check that his/her computer system is capable of accessing the online Products.
7.2- In the case of Products offered in the form of an open-ended subscription, a link allowing access to the Products online on a secure platform will be sent to the Customer at least once a month to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer at the time of ordering, provided that the monthly instalments agreed in the contract have been paid.
7.3 – Strategic Growth SASU provides a chat facility on the member’s site to assist the Customer after purchasing the Product. They may also send an email to Strategic Growth SASU’s customer service department at contact @
8.1 Only in the case of a contract concluded at a distance, the consumer or non-professional customer has a period of 14 calendar days, from the date of conclusion of the contract, to exercise his right of withdrawal.
8.2 – The consumer or non-professional customer may exercise this right by writing a letter of withdrawal, by sending an email clearly expressing his/her wish to withdraw to contact @, or by filling in the withdrawal form.
Strategic Growth SASU will acknowledge receipt of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by sending an e-mail to the address indicated by the Customer.
8.3 – This right of withdrawal is exercised without penalty.
8.4 – Strategic Growth SASU undertakes to reimburse the price corresponding to the Products or Services in the form of a credit note, unless the Customer expressly objects to this method of reimbursement when exercising his/her right of withdrawal. Reimbursement will be made within a maximum of 30 calendar days of Strategic Growth SASU becoming aware of the Customer’s wish to withdraw.
9.1 – Refund conditions applicable to seminars
As a general rule, refunds of registration fees for face-to-face or online seminars are only possible in the following two cases:
– the Customer has attended the seminar and expressed́ his/her dissatisfaction, expressly and in detail, before noon on the second day (12 noon), by handing in a written letter, his/her badge, as well as any documentation received during the said seminar or by sending an e-mail to contact @…;
– In the event of a no-show, the customer will not be entitled to a refund, unless a case of force majeure can be demonstrated. In this case, reimbursement will take the form of a credit note for the full amount, valid for 12 months.
9.2 – In certain specific cases, Strategic Growth SASU offers a satisfaction guarantee for certain Products or Services.
This guarantee is indicated on the Site page presenting the Product or Service concerned. When such a satisfaction guarantee is indicated, the Customer may contact Strategic Growth SASU at contact @ to request a refund.
Personal coaching and group coaching are expressly excluded from the satisfaction guarantee.
9.3 Modification of seminar registration
Changes to seminar registrations are only possible in the following cases:
– the Customer requests a postponement of the seminar registration to a later date due to the impossibility of attending on the dates initially agreed, at least eight weeks prior to the start of the seminar. Only one postponement per seminar is possible, and registrations that have benefited from a discount voucher cannot be postponed.
– the customer requests that the registration be transferred to another person. Modification of a registration will incur an administrative charge of 50 euros excluding VAT if the request is made more than six weeks before the start of the seminar, and 100 euros excluding VAT if the request is made less than six weeks before the start of the seminar. No changes can be made less than two weeks before the start of the seminar.
9.4. Cancellation of subscription Products and Services
Customers ordering Products and Services on a monthly, open-ended subscription basis may terminate their subscription at any time by giving one month’s notice by sending an e-mail to contact @
The possibility of terminating the contract while it is in progress does not apply to other Products and Services payable in instalments.
Strategic Growth SASU is fully responsible for the proper execution of the order, within the limits of available stocks.
Nevertheless, any poor execution or non-execution due to a cause attributable to the Customer (in particular an obsolete or undersized computer system), to a case of force majeure or to an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party to the contract may exonerate Strategic Growth SASU in whole or in part from its liability.
Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to suspend or terminate the account of a Customer who contravenes the provisions of the GTC, or generally applicable legal provisions, without prejudice to any damages that Strategic Growth SASU may seek. Any person whose account has been suspended or closed may not place further orders or create a new account on the Site without the prior authorization of Strategic Growth SASU.
The computerized records of Strategic Growth SASU, kept in reasonable conditions of security, will be considered by the parties as valid proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.
The archiving of order forms, order confirmations and invoices is carried out́ on a faithful and durable medium so as to correspond to a reliable copy.
The Customer will have access to the archived elements concerning him upon simple request to contact @
In general, the Customer and Strategic Growth SASU expressly accept the possibility of exchanging information by e-mail. Strategic Growth SASU’s address for correspondence is contact @
Strategic Growth SASU reserves the right to modify the GTC at any time in order to take into account, on the one hand, any change in legislation or case law applicable in particular to e-commerce and, on the other hand, any technical or technological development improving the Site. Should any of the stipulations of these GCS be invalidated, it shall be deemed unwritten, but this shall not invalidate the contractual provisions as a whole.
Any tolerance or waiver by one of the Parties, in the application of all or part of the commitments made within the framework of these GTS, regardless of their frequency and duration, shall not constitute a modification of the GTS, nor generate any right whatsoever.
In its newsletters, communications, information and various publications, products and services, Strategic Growth SASU may recommend tools, websites, products or service providers that can provide the customer with a useful complement to what is delivered by Strategic Growth SASU.
The client is informed that when this may be the case, there is generally a partnership within the framework of a commercial agreement set up with the companies that market these products or services and that Strategic Growth SASU may therefore receive a « commission » if the client decides to purchase these products or services on the recommendation of Strategic Growth SASU.
These GCS are governed by French law. If the Customer is a consumer or non-professional, the application of French law is without prejudice to the application of the mandatory provisions of consumer law of the country in which the consumer or non-professional is domiciled.
In the event of a dispute, the consumer or non-professional Customer may opt for conventional mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution method, or apply to the competent courts of his/her country of residence. If the Customer is a professional, exclusive jurisdiction is expressly attributed to the courts of Lyon.