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What is abundance?

Do you want to become financially independent?

Do you want to live in abundance?

Careful, I’m not just talking about financial abundance, I’m talking about abundance in all areas of your life.

Do you want to have your cake and eat it too?

So read the following carefully.

Most people imagine that to get rich, they have to work hard.

These are just false beliefs that we inherited from our parents who inherited them from the last two world wars and passed them on to us.

In short, this is another topic that I will not discuss here, but if you really want to open the door to abundance, you must first understand how financial abundance works.

Once you have acquired awareness of financial abundance, you will be on the way to acquiring others.

My mentor Robert Kiyosaki analyzed the various professional statutes and represented them on a quadrant as follows:

Abundance Quadrantquadrant--Robert Kyosaki
Whatever your professional activity, the only way to become financially independent is to generate a positive cash flow.

The goal is to generate more revenue while working less.

It is important to understand that these different categories do not offer the same opportunities for financial freedom.

Employee [E]:This is the most common category, because it offers a form of job security without financial surprises because you know exactly how much you will earn at the end of the month.

The employee rents his time according to his skills.

As an employee, you receive your paycheck at the end of the month, you pay all your expenses and then?

You have to go back to work always for the same salary and so on, endless!

What would happen if you stopped working?

Without income, how would you pay for your expenses?

The self-employed [T]: The self-employed does not rent his time, he sells his skills.

In general, he earns more than an employee, but at what cost?

The hours provided are not taken into account.

In fact, a self-employed person often works more than 12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, and just like the employee, if he decides to stop his activity, he will not earn any more money.

The effort to be made is important and must be constant.

How long will he be able to keep up?

The business owner [P]: As an entrepreneur, your business will no longer be based primarily on your work, but on that of each of your employees.

Your activity is no longer renting or selling your skills.

You will receive a share of the profits generated by your business (There is no cap that limits your income).

Starting a business requires a lot of work; the risks are enormous and there is no guarantee of success.

However, once the machine is launched on the rails, you can settle for a control function.

It is up to you to stop working, your residual income will continue to increase.

Investor [I]: An investor is an individual who invests in the financial markets or a corporation that brings stable capital to a business.

Commonly, an investor positions himself in the long term rather than the short term.

Investor status offers the most complete freedom, while generating residual income.

Abundance-financial-Robert Kyosaki
In a nutshell:The notion of employment, which consists of working to receive a salary, is based on linear growth that consists of exchanging time for money.

In this system, a unit of time is equivalent to a unit of money.

This is called the time-money trap:

  • It’s impossible to make a fortune: The only way to earn more is to work more (and there’s only 24 hours in a day) or wait for a hypothetical promotion or pay increase.
  • Income is temporary: A health problem, layoffs, relocation and everything collapses.
  • Retirement is poor: We know how crucial the problem of retirement will become in the years to come.
  • Even those who earn a high salary are not better off. They make a good living, but they have to work hard to maintain their standard of living.
  • They, too, are threatened by dismissal or accident that would deprive them of that income. And for them, too, retirement is a problem. The so-called “executive discomfort” proves that this social class is most exposed to stress, frustration and premature heart attacks.

The real happiness is to have the time to take advantage of the money you earn and to be able to do what you want when you want, and that happiness, a paid job, will never bring you.

To understand how to achieve it, it is enough to analyze what has allowed the true rich to become so.

Etre heureux Abondance-Robert Kyosaki
What’s their secret? It’s simple: it’s the magic of leverage!

I like this exercise that Bob Proctor does in each of his seminars to illustrate abundance and make people understand that abundance is everywhere.

He asks participants to breathe as deeply as they can and asks them to hold their breath; then he says do you think I can breathe too and that others can too?

Qu-en-pensez-vous - abondance
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